Every year Remos-Alfa passes Quality Management System and Social Responsibility audits. It points to the fact that our company is making steady headway, develops its employees, cares about environment, and holds to make higher-quality products and render high-level services to our customers.
Dun & Bradstreet Rating
Our company was certified by one of the world’s oldest registrars of legal entities, D&B D-U-N-S® Registered, confirming the status of a strong and stable company providing products and services with minimal risk for our partners. Remos-Alfa rating is 2А1.
D-U-N-S rating consists of two parts:
- Rating of financial opportunities (Remos-Alfa rating is 2А) indicates that the company has significant financial opportunities for growth based on its own equity. It means that customers can be confident in the constant growth of our service quality and increasing opportunities;
- Risk indicator (Remos-Alfa rating is 1) implicates that the company has high creditworthiness and minimum (among all global companies) trading risk. It means that our customers are safe - the company will not crash, deliveries will not be stopped, margin of company safety is high.